We went to Tassie, we had a lovely time. I thought about stealing Penny & Phil's baby Abby, we ate poached salmon (escaped from a fishery and lovingly nabbed by a neighbour of P&P's) and many kilos of cherries, we went kayaking, I tried to buy a block of land (but failed) and we looked at our house in Hobart. I'm sure we did some other stuff as well.
Coming back to Sydney and work was a bit depressing. So after a week of it we ran away again and went camping at Green Patch with Jen and Austin. In between, Andrew had a birthday.
We also got a Flip camcorder that our newly engaged friends Phil & Mel got us on a recent trip to the US. Within 24 hours, Phoebe had lost it ... at the Berry Donut Van, of course. She did, however, manage to make one movie while she had it. Click here to enjoy.
Camping was fun. THEN we had to go to Bowral for Andrew's Australia Day cricket match. That was fun too. Now we are, very reluctantly, back back back in Sydney. Time to do some work to pay for January's general indolence. Sigh.
Buy and Hold: The Comparison Trap
5 days ago