16 January 2008

Attack of the Crab Monsters

Did you know there are very few movies with 'crab' in their title? Attack of the Crab Monsters has the following plot synopsis - People are trapped on a shrinking island by intelligent, brain-eating giant crabs.

Chilli crab, almost ready ...

I think by this point the crab has pretty much been demolished. That's my spanky new table doing a turn in the garden.


Unknown said...

That colony of brain eating giant crabs was probably started by that one that escaped from Rochester Park!

Wendy said...

Actually, Tiff, the crab escaped from Malcolm Road. It was a turtle we found wandering along in Rochester Park!

Tiffany said...

No, Ma, you're wrong - there was a night when Lisa (Simpson) came over to stay and a mud crab escaped. We were sleeping in the pondok, convinced it was going to come and get us!