30 September 2011

The Nanny Diaries

Yesterday I babysat my friend's baby while he went off to some appointment or other. He did leave me with bottles and a nappy bag, but no pram or sling. Baby (not pictured) is four months old and of a generally sunny disposition, so I was happy enough to have her for a few hours.

About 15 minutes after Dad left, Baby started howling inconsolably. She wouldn't take her bottle, which Dad had told me was due. At first walking round and round the house with her worked; then that stopped working too. Finally I gave up and put her on my bed and patted her for a few minutes. She went to sleep. I had to put Kid 2 in charge of watching her so I could go and have a calming cup of tea and rest my perforated left eardrum.

Then she woke up and started howling again.

Lordy, I was pleased when Dad returned.

He sent me a message later to assure me that she'd been horrid - well, unhappy, babies aren't really horrid - all afternoon and that it wasn't just me. I think I probably just put her in a bad mood ...

PS. Apologies for gratuitous Kid 2 shots. Putting together a photo-book of the Kids from 0-Now for my mother's Christmas present.


Rubi said...

I'm staying with friends in Madrid until I find a place, and because they've got an almost-two-year-old, part of my contribution is kid-care. I've always pretty much been a baby-whisperer, so I'm optimistic, but we'll see. Today I pick her up from day-care -- fingers crossed!

Tiffany said...

Oh my goodness, you're good, Rubi! Two-year-olds are gorgeous but they can certainly be hard work. I hope it goes well ...

materfamilias said...

Never apologize for posting photos like this -- such a day-brightener!

Tiffany said...

Thanks, mater! Kid 2 was a particularly funny little creature (she still is), and I love going back through the photos of her with her crazy outfits and odd expressions.