11 May 2010

Garden State

These pictures of our backyard were taken about halfway through the renovation/completion of the house. We had already taken out a big shed and a couple of trees, and the old water tank was also on its way out.

A couple of months later, we were still working on getting the last of the bricks (!) out ...

Oh, am I now supposed to show pictures of a lovely yard? Well, I did lay turf, but that's about it. It's not pretty enough to photograph just yet. In spring, perhaps?


materfamilias said...

I'll be waiting -- but patiently -- for the "After" pics. You're lucky to have so much shade nearby in those trees.
It took us living in our home for a few years to get the sense of how the yard would work best. Getting a decent surface is a good first step, but you could give yourself time just to learn the feel of your space. . .

Tiffany said...

You're so right about taking time to find out what works. I've got the courtyard sorted - full of citrus and dozens of herbs - and the vegetable bed will go into the backyard this week, but then it will be a matter of finding plants, seeing what works and letting it slowly find its way. I don't believe in the instant gardens you see on television!