16 April 2013

Pretty Woman

Fortuitously, I have two separate rants (I'm grumpy lately, aren't I?) that both fit nicely under this title.

1. Recently I picked up a copy of More magazine, which featured an article on what it called 'handsome' women and how they're aging fabulously. Supposedly, this is because they weren't conventionally pretty to begin with, and have now grown into their looks. All well and good. But then, note, 'They stay slim and fit and wear fashion that is updated but age appropriate. Most of all, they have a lot of competencies that create confidence and a sense of purpose'. So being Diane Keaton (mentioned) is helpful. And then you look at the photos:

So More is telling me that this woman wasn't always striking?

And this woman's only claim to 'non-conventional' beauty is that she's not blonde. 

I did read the whole article, and this is what I got from it: be thin, be successful (preferably with a shedload of money) and then it won't matter that you don't look like a teenage cheerleader. Gee, that's amazingly helpful.

2. I went into a shop the other day and I felt a little like I was reliving that scene in Pretty Woman where the person in the high end boutique (can't remember which, haven't seen the movie since it first came out) snubs Julia Robert's character because she's a hooker. Of course, I wasn't dressed like a hooker, but I might as well have been. The boutique I went into - genuinely looking for something specific - is a posh little place with pricey imports (double what you'd pay in the US/UK and add some), but a rather nice edit of items. I was looking for a pair of black dress pants. The saleswoman looked at me disparagingly and said 'We don't have anything in your size' and walked off. She was so rude it took my breath away. I'm still trying to work out what I did wrong - did I not look cashed up enough? Was my outfit offensive in some way? Of course, it was probably just the woman having a bad day,  but it was such an unpleasant experience that I will NEVER shop there again.


materfamilias said...

It's all so tiresome, isn't it?! Some days I feel like eschewing the whole style/fashion thing completely. It seems so obvious that looks are secondary to so many other important elements of existence. And yet . . . What disturbs me most is that if you and I can get snubbed by snotty saleswomen and/or feel discouraged by shallow descriptions of non-conventional beauty, what of those whose size or looks truly challenge those conventions!

Tiffany said...

Mater, couldn't agree more - those experiences really do make me think about retiring into a world of comfy yoga gear and grey hair (and mine doesn't look like the fab grey pompadour above, believe me). But then I think that giving up because I am never going to be/look a certain way is just giving the win to convention ...

And you used one of my favourite words, 'eschew', so extra points for that :)

That's Not My Age said...

I find it frustrating when magazines have an 'age' or a 'shape' issue because it's never realistic, always a bit superficial. And that's so rude! I think you should name and shame the shop.

Tiffany said...

TNMA, I'm thinking of emailing the shop and telling them what bad service they provide. I don't need fawning shop girls, but manners are nice ... And just in case you're ever in Sydney, it's Duck Egg Blue in Balmain!

materfamilias said...

It's a good word, isn't it, too seldom used. . . ;-)