22 December 2007

Gone with the Wind

Reason for the blog title? Well, for reasons known only to himself (actually, probably the article in the SMH today about some sequel to the book), Andrew got out the DVD today. 'Have you seen it?' he says to me. HAVE I SEEN IT? Lordy, the only video me and my dear flattie John used to watch more was probably ABBA: The Movie. Happy Darlinghurst days indeed. It was fun being 20. I think.

And now back to our regular middle-aged suburban screenings. This week's line-up featured: Mummy Finds Work Kriss Kringle a Dispiriting Experience; Holden and Mum Cry at His Last Day at Orange Grove Public School; Phoebe is a Complete Star in OGPS Idol; and An Angel at My Table. Correct, the last is in fact a REAL MOVIE. Well spotted. You'll have to read the next post to find out what that's about ...

Hol's last day was a very teary experience. In the morning, as we were having quality time with a pillow fight, I said something about Holden having been at his school for five years. 'That's half my life, Mum', he said. I might have had a sniffle at that. When it came to the actual farewell, I couldn't even take a decent photo, and Holden almost refused to do the 'Tunnel of Friendship' (strange but sweet ritual).

Flippancy aside, I do hope that we're doing the right thing. That's the hard bit (not the only one) about being a parent - you do what you think is the best thing, but there's no going back if you get it wrong.

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