16 October 2012

We Bought a Zoo

We didn't really. But at the beginning of the year, we did adopt a new kitten. This is Boo, when he was about 7 weeks old. He is now about 10 months old. Still pretty, but rather fat. And uncoordinated. And inelegant. We blame the dogs. Harry (our other cat) did his best, but in the end Boo has decided he is not much good at being a cat.

On the weekend we went to a party and decided in conversation that one must own at least 3 cats to be a Cat Lady. Phew.

It's over a year since I posted Kid 2 in her birthday maxi-dress. That dress is now way too short. She starts high school in a few months ... Kid 1 towers over me and pats me on the head when he is feeling kindly towards me.

This year has been a busy one. Is there any other sort? We didn't get to Europe and I'm not sure if we will in the foreseeable future.

But it's not all bad. I have been Art teacher at Kid 2's school. I'm paid for one day a week, but for the last few weeks I've been working 7 days a week to organise the school Art Show. I won't be modest - it was a damn fine show and I coordinated the raising of $14,000 for the school (group artworks and silent auction for professional art). Satisfying, but exhausting. I might put up some photos when the photographer sends them to me.

I'm not sure why I decided to post again on my defunct blog. Perhaps because for most of my life I've kept a diary of one sort or another. Blogging beats talking to myself (or the cats).

1 comment:

materfamilias said...

So glad you posted! Those are such busy years you're in the middle of, and it's hard to find the time to write, but there is something addictive about it, and whatever that is, I'm glad it pulled you back, for now at least.
Congrats on the successful Art Show. Sounds as if you're doing a huge amount of volunteer work there but at least getting paid for some of it. They're very lucky to have you.
And that kitten is so cute -- we had an all-black female cat for a long time. Spooky feline! Good to be one cat short of Cat Lady, but they do creep up on you. . .