21 August 2009

The September Issue

As I stomped off to yoga this morning (feeling grumpy; looking frumpy), I stopped in at the newsagent to see if I could find anything to lift my mood. And there it was - British Vogue's July issue. Yes, out of date, but since summer is ahead of us down here, I don't care. And it's their annual 'ageless style' issue. Of course, I don't really need to be told that Chanel can work for any age - it can only work for you if you can afford it in the first place - but I do love the fact that they feature a range of women with a variety of personal styles. I expect to get many hours of enjoyment out of my mag ...

As for the movie of my post title - I don't think I'll see it. First, I tend to go to the movies with spouse, and if I said it was a movie about Anna Wintour, he'd say 'who?'. Second, I'm curiously lacking in curiosity about her. She appears to wear the same outfit (yeah yeah, variations occasionally) and the same head helmet every day. She doesn't smile. To me, Anna W is just a boring, cold fish, no matter how powerful she is. Grace, with her outrageous red hair, could be another matter. But I'm looking forward to other bloggers seeing the movie and reporting back!


materfamilias said...

I haven't yet seen the British Vogue's age issue on newstands here, although I keep looking. I much prefer the Br. Vogue overall, to the Am. one, at least based on the one or two issues I manage to grab in airports each year.

Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...

Apparently Grace is in the film a LOT according to the review in The Age yesterday- so probably worth seeing I think!

Tiffany said...

Mater, the UK one is my absolute favourite. I think it tends to be a bit quirkier and more interesting than the US one. I don't really like our (Australian) Vogue much either ...

Imogen, you'll see I'm already doing a backflip about NOT seeing this movie!