26 October 2011

Midnight in Paris

What a fun movie that was. We went to see it late Sunday afternoon, Kids 1 and 2 in tow. Even they quite enjoyed it, although Kid 2 didn't get most of the references ('Who's Hemingway?'). I told them it was to get them excited about going to France next year. It certainly worked for me.

In other news ... there isn't any. We are having a ridiculous spring - Monday was 34 degrees (C) and today (Wednesday) it has just reached 15 degrees.

Several people have now told me they like my red (hmm) hair. I can never tell if people are sincere or just polite. Anyway, I can't BEAR to spend another two hours in a salon for a couple more weeks at least, so I'm just going to have to live with it.

And, continuing with random topics, Kid 1 had a meltdown at Spouse the other morning and revealed that he HATES the boring sandwiches that Dad has been packing him for his lunch for,  let's see, almost 9 years. I am not a fan of the sandwich myself (unless it's a super-duper deli version), so I do understand. BUT ... now I'm having to work out other things to feed the blasted adolescent. It would be easy (if expensive) just to throw money at him and let him buy lunch, but I don't want to do that. So far I've managed a meatball sub (apparently this doesn't count as a sandwich) and I'm thinking frittata for tomorrow. I suspect my mother's advice would be 'Let the kid make his own damn lunch' because that's what I was doing at his age. Am I being over-indulgent?


Anonymous said...

Peregrinations - what a fine underused word.
We have the same measurements, I am your sausage sister, I too think what am I going to be shaped like post menopause, smocks?

Tiffany said...

Trouble with smocks is that they really don't work if one is moderately height-challenged ...