26 November 2007

The Grinch

This is me. Not it's not. I LOVE Christmas, almost more than I love Halloween. Anything that involves an excuse to cook silly things, decorate the house, make time-consuming and tedious cards, indulge my childish side, hide things in cupboards, etc, is my idea of fun.

I want to make a new Advent thingy (well, it's not a calendar, so I have to call it a thingy) but the idea I have set my heart on requires sewing and the machine is STILL dead and will not be re-animated until next week. Too late for 1 December, obviously. Time to beg, borrow or steal a machine, then find some time to sew.

I must also mention how happy I am about the election result, although I'm still curious as to who Rudd will turn out to be. Turnbull's self-serving speech about egalitarianism, from the richest electorate in the country, was truly nauseating. And I am thrilled that we have a female deputy PM. Ok, that's enough from me.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I don't think its a dull blog at all. IT is dull and there are hundreds of blogs about that. Marketing is very very very boring and lots of people blog that.

I think you write beautifully about an amazing sounding family.