02 November 2007

The Ring

I'm not quite sure why Phoebe decided she had to be the girl from the Ring, but she was very scary. When I told people what she was dressing up as, everyone said 'has she SEEN the movie?'. Now, I know I may not be the world's MOST responsible mother, but even I don't let a 7-year-old watch movies like that.

And Holden was Freddy and NO, he hasn't seen Nightmare on Elm Street either. Although bought costumes are normally not allowed in this house, I did relent and buy the Freddy mask, as I just wasn't sure my skills with latex (none) would cut it.

Jen and I (we do Halloween together every year) had decided that as there was no party, we weren't dressing up. Then we both decided at the last minute that it just would not DO. So this is us.

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