07 July 2008

Spinal Tap

I'm supposedly on two weeks holiday beginning today. Unfortunately I did tell people I'd finish jobs and perhaps take on one or two small things. So of course I have a lot more work on than I would like. My own fault.

This morning Phoebe went to vacation care (because she wanted to - go figure) and Holden and I went and bought a drum kit. Yes, I will rue the day. I know that. It is currently set up right in the middle of the living room. See.

Andrew decided he wanted to contribute to my blog last night, so he photographed dinner before it went into the oven. It's a beef fillet with an anchovy, onion and breadcrumb stuffing. Those pink things are these cool silicon wraps that don't look as rustic as string but work a treat. Unless you're Andrew and you cut one in half while carving yourself a slice of beef.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

artful styling, Andrew!