01 July 2008

The Office

You know, most of the people I work with are very nice. Some are not. Some refer to me as a 'resource' or 'the copywriter' (in my hearing).

This evening I received an email that referred to 'resorting issues' (I assume they might 'resort to' someone who can speak English?) when I suggested that being TOLD (at 5.38pm) to deliver something BY tomorrow morning might not suit me. I was then informed that my recalcitrance would be discussed with The Manager. Oh no, not the manager! He might marketing-speak me into submission. I quake.

All I needed was a polite 'if you could get this to me tomorrow, that would be great' ...

I quite like being old and obstreperous. It beats shit out of being sycophantic in the hope of getting your bonus.

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