07 October 2008

All Quiet on the Western Front

Harry and Holden on Sunday afternoon.

The sleepover party was chaotic but fun. Thank god some neighbours came over to share the pain. The sleepover/camping theme was translated into sleeping bag lolly bags and a Barbie in a sleeping bag cake. Cake looked more like a bier, quite frankly, but as you can tell from this photo, Phoebe didn't much care (no, I don't know why Phoebe is only wearing a singlet and a sarong around her neck). I also didn't much care, as I only made the damn lolly bags and cake on Saturday morning.

Turned out that I did the right thing cancelling camping - the weather was wet and miserable. We are planning to camp in a few weeks, but I think we might make it a slightly smaller expedition.

1 comment:

Wendy Hutton said...

you're a genius! That cake (even if it does look like a bier) and the lolly bags are brilliant. Can you send me the photo of Holly & his feline alter ego by email, I want to print it. Just gorgeous! Three cheers for the Sarong Party Girl.