20 December 2008


As you do, in the Brave New (not anymore) World of the internet, I spent time this week - when I should have been doing Xmas things - flagellating myself by reading blogs about what OTHER people have been doing.

This, naturally, had the result of making me throw up my hands and say 'Why bother? I can't possible bake and box 13 dozen cookies while designing and completing four quilts and a range of other beautiful handmade things. Instead, I shall do nothing.'

Then on Thursday night I saw the error of my ways. I made chocolate truffle mix, fully intending to supply truffles to all the staff at school. But while the mix was cooling, I suddenly decided that it was NOT too late to make Christmas cards. I hauled out the sewing machine and a selection of supplies, told Andrew to get takeaway for dinner, and made about 30 of these.

And somewhere in the middle of this frenzy I also made peppermint bark.

But the truffle mix sat in the fridge. I (horror) bought special chocolates for special teachers here and apologised to everyone else.

On the upside, truffles (here being rolled by Phoebe in her role as Christmas Elf Supreme) make a great 'hostess gift' (how 50s is that term?). That, and my own shortbread, should see me through.

Next year, truly, I WILL be a good Christmas person. Ha ha ha.

1 comment:

Wendy Hutton said...

I've just finished a post on my blog about finally getting in gear for Christmas, only to read you've been doing the same! Plus, Plus, of course.