13 January 2013

Saturday Night Fever

Having a couple of weeks off work has been rather nice. In fact, I've relaxed almost to the point of torpor. I am normally somewhat of a control freak and obsessive organiser and list-maker, but these holidays I've been largely happy to let things slide.

On Friday I decided it was high  time to get organised again, and started by getting up early and taking Kid 2 on a practice bus trip to high school. By 9.30am I'd already done that and finished a writing job, so I was feeling rather smug.

Next on my list was working out what the kids needed for sailing camp, which I had written down as being 14-18 January.

I opened the relevant email and to my horror discovered that Kid 1 was due at camp at 2pm. That day. And Kid 2 was due up there on Saturday. And that I had missed out on getting one of the kids'  boats on a trailer ...

So I had to make a 3 1/2 hour round trip to get Kid 1 to camp, then run around trying to find various things that Kid 2 had to take up with her.

Fortunately, perhaps because I was so relaxed, instead of getting upset I just laughed at my own stupidity and got on with sorting things out.

Spouse drove Kid 2 up yesterday and order was restored. Finding ourselves kid-less, we thought about going out for dinner, but somehow ended up hanging out with some friends, drinking possibly too much wine and feasting on prawns and other lovely things. But not actually eating dinner.

So today, to make up for my idleness, I plan to cook something fabulous for dinner, just for the two of us. And as of tomorrow, I'm officially Not On Hols any more. Oh, except for a couple of days in Melbourne during the week, but that's another story ...


materfamilias said...

Yikes! But you made it, right? Full points for that, and think of the time you saved in squishing the prep into the narrow window in which you managed it.
Would love to hear about the fabulous dinner . . .

Tiffany said...

I didn't think of it like that - I'm sure I did save time!

Dinner just ended up being homemade pasta with prawns, garlic & chilli - but it was fun making the pasta together ... and it was delicious.

materfamilias said...

Yumm! That's a v. good combo, especially with fresh pasta!