31 March 2008

Vanity Fair

Warning: Another frivolous, vain, self-obsessed blog entry.

Because this is a democratic blog, I bowed to popular opinion and ordered the black and cream ones. Then I assuaged my guilt by going for a half hour run at the gym (or was that work avoidance?). It didn't work. It just made me feel flabby and middle-aged, surrounded as I was by other unfit, middle-aged women. Note to self: avoid gym on Monday morning.

Now it's already mid-morning and I have three jobs to finish. It's always a toss-up - should I feel guilty because I'm neglecting a) work; b) children; c) self? Or all three? I was watching Grumpy Old Women on Friday (see, sums up my life) and one of them said 'You cannot have it all. It's a joke.' Unfortunately it was one some of us fell for.

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