09 November 2008

The Darjeeling Limited

I am a hardened tea drinker, which is slightly odd as both my parents despise(d) tea. Perhaps I am a throwback. Anyway, it appears that my small people are following in my footsteps. Most mornings, as Andrew and I are busily trying to get people breakfasted, bags and lunches packed and lists checked, one or both of them will say 'Can I please have a cup of tea?'. Occasionally I wonder if eight is too young to start drinking tea - is it a slippery slope to caffeine addiction? Or is it just nice to have a warm drink sometimes?

Sometimes I use tea as a work avoidance tactic, as in 'I think I'll just go and get myself a cup of tea' when I'm really just wanting to get away from a particularly horrible job. This is where I am right now. It's Sunday afternoon, and I want to garden/sort laundry/clean my filthy house/talk to my funny children/make lists for Christmas/eat oysters with my spouse. Instead I am trapped in the studio, trying to write a stinking insurance partnership agreement that has to be delivered before 7am tomorrow. Best I grab a cup of tea.

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