My new studio is an odd place. Or, I should say, my stable mates are odd. Actually, they're probably not odd at all, I'm just used to working alone, and I've never spent time with packs of photographers.
Anyway, one of them, a wedding photographer, came up to me today and said, quite unprovoked, 'You know, you're REALLY TINY'.
Mmmm. I've never learnt how to deal with this sort of comment. I tend to just say 'ah, yup' or something similarly inarticulate. I'm guessing if you replied 'Yeah, and you're really enormous', people wouldn't respond well.
'So tell me', she continued (they're persistent, these wedding people), 'Do you spend a lot of time at the gym or really watch what you eat?'.
Mostly, the fact that I'm a scrawny little creature is genes. Is this what she wanted to hear - or does it sound smug? If I said I was an egg-white-omelette-eating-gym-junkie (a complete lie), would that be better?
And I hate the word 'tiny' almost as much as the word 'petite'. Why are we supposed to feel better ourselves the SMALLER and less significant we are?
Oops, might be veering off into a rant.
On a more positive note, I did enjoy today's fashion shoot in the studio, which involved beautiful young men who paraded around shirtless for much of the day. One of them had classic sulky model demeanour; the other was positively chirpy.
Buy and Hold: The Comparison Trap
5 days ago