27 April 2009

The Friday Night Knitting Club

Apparently the movie of the book is in production and Julia Roberts will star. I remember a few years back when it suddenly (ha) become fashionable (really?) to knit, and she was one of the stars who fessed up to being a knitter. I just can't see it, somehow. I haven't read the book either.

Anyway, I seem to have lost my knitting mojo. Actually, all of my making mojo. I haven't even been doing much interesting cooking, and I'm feeling a little unproductive and frustrated.

Weekends are usually my time to cook long, slow meals or try new things, but the weekend just gone was marred by WORK. Friday night one of my clients had a potential crisis that required me to churn out a load of 'communications' ... just in case. The crisis was apparently averted, but my Friday night was ruined nevertheless. No knitting.

And another client rang me on Friday and said 'hey, you busy this weekend?'. Funnily enough, I could tell she wasn't about to ask me to a party. So I sulked most of Saturday, knowing I would have to work on Sunday. Why didn't I work Saturday and enjoy Sunday? Good question. I think after Friday night I felt like some downtime, but it was A Bad Idea.


Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...

Crap that you had to work the weekend. I've lost the making stuff mojo too. I think it's a lack of time (and energy).

materfamilias said...

Yikes, was it at least raining when you had to work on your weekend?
I recently read another book by the same author, Kate Jacobs, and thought it was okay, but nothing I'd go out of my way to read. You sound as if you share some of my cynicism about the "sudden fashionability" of knitting. I do like to watch Julia Roberts onscreen, though, and I'll probably see this on DVD eventually.

Tiffany said...

Well, it wasn't raining, but it was windy, which means I would have stayed indoors anyway! And I do have to agree that JR has a real screen presence - she is quite luminous.