26 June 2009

Charlie's Angels

Farrah Fawcett (Majors) and Michael Jackson were huge icons when I started high school. We all (the girls, at least) wanted to look like Farrah. This was unfortunate for those, like me, who were pale and freckly, with short dark hair.

As for Michael, well, he didn't even want to look like himself, but we sure loved dancing to his music.

I don't think either of them had the happiest of lives.

1 comment:

sallymandy said...

Thanks for this post on a rather incredible day for celebrities. Sad about both of them.

It was my great misfortune to have hair that Would Not Feather in junior high and high school--too curly. Farrah just reminded me of all that was "wrong" with me. I did appreciate her more substantial acting projects in the 1980s.

Michael...what to say. A great talent; a tragic life.