18 April 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

No food news this weekend, as last night spouse and I went OUT, instead of having our usual stay-at-home Saturday night. Kid 1 was at a 'dance' (disco) at the yacht club where he sails, and since this is just down the road from the grandparents, they offered to take both of them for the evening.

So we walked down to our lovely local cinema and watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. A couple sitting near us had clearly not read the book, as they left during one particularly unpleasant scene ... I thought the book had great central characters and a cracking plot, but the writing was, um, average at best. Ideal for being made into a film, in fact. What the book lacked in its prose style, the film achieved through direction and cinematography.

We grabbed a bite to eat on the way home and discussed how nice it is to live where we do.

This morning, spouse was up at stupid o'clock to go and compete in a triathlon. I got up to an empty house, which seemed all wrong for a Sunday morning, so quickly headed over to retrieve the children ...


Wendy said...

I can't believe it, Hol at a dance!!! Was he enthusiastic about it? I'm soooooo happy you've gone back to your blog, it's always so varied, interesting and thoughtful. By the way, have you read "Reading Lolita in Teheran"? I'm sure you'd enjoy it as much as I did.

Susan B said...

I'm glad to hear the movie was not a disappointment. I'm hoping to see it at some point, having read the book and enjoyed mainly as "ripping yarn." I still have the second book waiting in my coffee table queue.

materfamilias said...

I've just finished reading The Girl -- the perfect carrot for getting me through marking essays (five essays, a chapter of a mystery, another five, another chapter, etc.). I enjoyed the relationship between the two main characters and would watch a movie just to see that. The setting would be another big draw for me, but I'm not sure how well I'd do through the graphic scenes -- I'd be watching through my fingers!

Tiffany said...

Pseu, the movie is definitely not a disappointment - and Mater, I watched those scenes through my fingers too, grimacing the whole time. But I don't think they were gratuitous, given their significance to the story and Salander's character.
And Ma, no, I haven't read 'Reading Lolita in Teheran'.

materfamilias said...

neither have I, but Wendy has . .. ;-)