11 November 2010


It's been an ongoing battle. Spouse wanted so see something high-brow, off-Broadway. I wanted to go see the cheesiest, most Broadway show possible. I won.

We saw Chicago. Roxie was played by Charlotte d'Amboise (what a gorgeous name!), who has played Roxie more times than any other performer. And she still made it look as though she was having the time of her life. It was wonderful.

That was the end of the day, though. In the morning we went to see the Frick Collection, as recommended by Pseu and others. I recently read Wolf Hall, so to see Holbein's portrait of Thomas Cromwell up close was just incredible. What a collection - truly staggering. I would SO have loved to see the upstairs of the house too.

We then wandered across Central Park, strolled over the Sheep Meadow (thanks Mark!), looked at the skaters on the rink, picked scenes from movies including Stuart Little (yes, we have children as an excuse), The Fisher King, When Harry Met Sally, etc. Eventually we made out way down to Times Square to get the tix for Chicago ... and there went another day.

We do seem to spend at least 50% of every day walking, which is a very good thing, especially as I seem to have become addicted to the 'munchkins' at our local donut 'bar' (who knew there was such a thing?).

So now I'm almost up-to-date. Only today's non-adventures to recount ... And in less than 2 days we'll be on the plane back home. About four hours after we get home on Sunday, I'm back to the airport to go to New Zealand for a funeral. Just imagine how entirely jetlagged, discombobulated and dog-tired I will be by the time I arrive in NZ.


Susan B said...

Oh, I'm so glad you made it to the Frick! And to see Chicago too; I've heard it's really great on stage.

materfamilias said...

This sounds like a really busy, really satisfying day. I'd love to see that Holbein portrait of Cromwell -- did it look like the Thomas you'd built from Wolf Hall? Did he have kind, wise eyes -- or calculating, pragmatic ones . . . ?

Tiffany said...

The Frick was so worth it Pseu - and Chicago!

Mater, I thought Cromwell had wise eyes, compassionate but pragmatic ... but that's obviously me looking at him through the perspective of Wolf Hall ...

materfamilias said...

Ah, I'm glad to hear it, that balance between the compassionate and the pragmatic suits my reading of him, also through WH.