01 March 2011

Field of Dreams

Last Friday morning, about half an hour after I got up, I remembered a dream I'd had. Spouse and I were heading off to New York again, just for a week this time. In the dream I was talking to friends, casually saying 'oh yes, I know we went last year, but we just felt we needed another little visit'. Ha.

I told Spouse. He rolled his eyes at me over his coffee (standard form of morning communication in this house) and then said 'Well, I have to get a new job this year, and I plan to take a week or two off between jobs'. Um, WHAT? He then told me that return tickets to NY are actually still quite cheap.

OK, so it's not exactly a plan, and I'm sure Spouse will come to his senses eventually, and really we could take the kids to Bali for two weeks for the same amount of money, but it's a thought ... Longer-term, I'm now 100% determined that we will move to the States for a couple of years when Kid 2 has finished school. Jobs? Dunno, I'll work something out. House? See previous. Green Card? Hmmm.

Friday night is baseball night. The diamond above is in Central Park. This one is ours, which we share (not very amicably on their part) with a rugby league club. Field of dreams indeed.


materfamilias said...

Yippee! Another chance to imagine popping on a plane and zipping down to NY to meet up. Probably as realistic as your dream, but hey, that's what they're for, right?

Do you know that the "Field of Dreams" is Canadian -- I know Hollywood and Kevin Costner get the street cred, but the book is by W.P. Kinsella and he's ours . . .

Somehow I'd imagined more cricket than baseball in Australia. Not sure why, as you're no more Brit-colonial anymore than we are, and cricket's an amusing rarity here, but still, that's what I'd imagined.

Tiffany said...

Don't worry, mater, if I do get there again, I'll be hassling you to come on over!

I didn't know that the book was Canadian - I must read it. Cricket is much bigger here than baseball, as you had correctly imagined, but my kids play baseball and we think it's a great game. It makes us oddities ...

materfamilias said...

I should note that I'm not a big Kinsella reader (some of his politics bug me), but he does write well and I like fellow Canucks to get credit where it's due. . .