25 February 2008

Five Go off to Camp

How I loved the Famous Five. I always thought I was George. Then I read a couple of the books again as an adult and was completely gobsmacked by how revoltingly sexist, racist and snobbish they are.

So, anyway, the Five going off to camp today are Holden's Fifth Class. They're going to spend four days doing 'bonding' things like abseiling, orienteering, archery, canoeing, etc. I want to go with them. Yesterday I ironed labels onto every item of clothing Hol is taking with him. Andrew laughed at me for labelling socks. Yeah, but what is he most likely to lose? I rest my case.

1 comment:

Wendy Hutton said...

Would you believe I also read the Famous five and identified with George? Wonder if Phoebe will find it impossibly dated? I for one don't laugh at the socks labelling. I still have a pair of very good beige socks (to be worn in extremis) with the label "James McK Hutton", from his days at Albury. I'll try calling Holly next weekend — I bet he'll have a superb time.