23 February 2008


Update: My clever mother remembered/tracked down the word I was looking for - and here's the article.

On Thursday night we went to see La Boheme at the Opera House. It was great. I love a bit of Italian melodrama ... no wonder I love Puccini.

I was brought down to earth by the sobering experience of teaching (teaching? controlling, cajoling and mollifying?) Year 1 on Friday. I challenge any CEO earning $300K a year to have a go in an infants classroom some time. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I'm pretending, just exhausting.

So imagine my delight this morning when I hauled myself back up to school to help at the cake stall, to find two of the little darlings up there ... I'm being mean, because the two who were up there actually are adorable. Deep down, I quite like children. Even my own.


Wendy Hutton said...

That was a quick turnaround after the Telegraph article. I'm posted this mainly to see if my new goggle account lets me post; puzzlingly, my old account name and password are supposedly "invalid".

Wendy Hutton said...

oops, hit the publish button too soon and a typo got through. I'm meant "I'm posting". And now my damned keyboard won't type the letter between a and c. Add that to the list of things to fix tomorrow, including car aircon.