19 June 2008

La Vie en Rose

I am sick. I suspect one of my lovely offspring gave me the virus. I don't have any dramatic or impressive symptoms - no lost voice, or consumptive coughing, for instance - all I have is a permanent headache, dizziness and pain all over my body.

So I've been lying around at home, trying to get a bit of work done, trying to relax and recuperate (ha). In a fit of productivity on Wednesday(lying in bed), I managed to finish this beret for Phoebe, knit from hand-dyed silk yarn. She wants a flower on the front of it now.

Every winter Andrew has an extended sulk about the fact that I never knit him anything. Every winter I start something but either lose interest, or discover I don't have enough wool, or decide I hate the pattern. This year we agreed on a pattern and I ordered wool but I am very unimpressed as it's been EIGHT days and it still hasn't arrived. I should add that it's a place in Victoria - if shoes from the US can arrive in five days, wool from Bendigo should arrive in TWO, I think. By the time the damn stuff gets here, I probably will have lost interest again.

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