16 August 2010

Let the Right One In

I have a friend who is a bit of a hippie. Ok, a lot of a hippie. He likes to tell me that I need to let go of my attachment to outcome, and be 'in the process' more.

I am learning to apply this to things like yoga - that's why it's called 'practising' yoga, I guess. There is no end point. Of course, it's still utterly exciting to me when I manage to do something new (2 minutes in unsupported headstand, honest!), but I can also appreciate just being in the moment.

But I'm not sure that it works completely as an approach to modern life. While strenuously avoiding my magazine deadline last week, for instance, I thought about telling my editor that I was letting go of my attachment to outcome - so I'd just keep writing the story and never submit it.

Or dinner. That would be a good one. 'Sorry, kids, I'm in the process, but let's not get attached to the idea that there might be a meal on the table this evening.'

On a completely different note, I was aghast to read this story. Please tell me they won't choose Scarlett Johansson to play Lisbeth Salander ... It's stupid enough that they're making a US version - what, people can't read subtitles? - but even worse if they give the lead to a pin-up like SJ. Even Rubberlips Jolie would be better. Noomi Rapace was perfect in the role. Sigh.


Susan B said...

Don't worry, SJ's out of the running. They've picked someone I'm not familiar with, Rooney Mara. I haven't seen the Swedish version yet, hopefully soon.

Tiffany said...

Oh good, I'm pleased to hear the rubbish I read was out of date! The Swedish version is definitely worth watching, if a little confronting in a couple of scenes.

materfamilias said...

Yikes! Can't imagine SJ in this role -- that would be totally missing the point of Lisbeth. From friends who've seen the film it sounds as if the Swedish Salander is perfectly cast.

Tiffany said...

Couldn't agree more, Mater! SJ is almost the antithesis of Salander, physically and in every other way. I'll give Rooney Mara (whoever she is) the benefit of the doubt, but I can't see the point of the remake in the first place :)