29 September 2008

The Birds

Hitchcock was right.

I just walked up to my studio from the house, and got swooped by a bloody huge magpie (Australian magpies aren't really magpies at all, of course, they are big scary things). I'm assuming this means that there are some baby birds up in one of our trees, which is all very lovely ... but. Once I'd got into the studio, the damn bird still wasn't happy. It flew to the closest branch and shouted at me (honestly, this bird was shouting), then jumped into the doorway of the studio. At this point I started to imagine it pecking at my eyes or something equally hideous, so I shut the studio door on it.

So now I'm trapped in the studio. Maybe this is a message from the universe, telling me to do some work.


Unknown said...

i've been attacked viciously twice in the past fortnight cycling down anzac parade. ok the maggie only hit my stackhat but scared sh*t out of me -- i could see it's shadow bearing down on me for another swoop..

Unknown said...

a b@stard bird has been harranging me on my rides down anzac parade.. i'm terrified of it