30 September 2008

Japanese Story

Because my life is a giddy whirl of social engagements, I need a lot of ethereal frocks, right? I thought not. As my friend Jane said when I fessed up 'But I've never seen you in a dress'.

I went into The City today for a couple of client meetings then lunch with people I used to work with. Unfortunately there was a gap between meetings, and I found myself in Akira's shop in the Strand Arcade.

This dress looks quite different with a cream silk slip under it rather than this floral number. (I tend not to wear that sort of makeup or headwear, either, you may be relieved to know.) And because I am SHORT it is longer on me also. The stuff on the top (see, I know all the design words) are these amazing tiny square wooden sequins in red and cream. Maybe I will photograph them close up. After all, chances of me wearing the damn thing anywhere are slim. But I will get hours of joy from examining the incredible construction ...

Someone had better bloody well have a good party this summer and invite me, or my favourite 'pay per wear' justification will not apply.


Wendy said...

what a divine dress! If only I had the arms to wear something like this. Selamat pakai.

Tiffany said...

I don't think I have the arms for it either, but I have a little vintage lace jacket that might work ...