10 August 2010

The Winter of Our Discontent

I find that several things get me through a cold, wet winter.

1. Drinking ridiculous amounts of tea.
2. Cooking and eating large, hearty meals like pork with cider and dumplings, or coq au vin, or sauerkraut with plenty of sausage ...
3. Wearing sunshine on my feet.

4. Imagining, and occasionally making purchases towards, a summer wardrobe.

It is a well-documented fact that I hate dressing in summer, as I have nasty pale freckly skin that I do not especially like to bare. I also have hideous legs. And I'm bad at floaty garments, as I am not tall. This makes an Australian summer quite challenging.

This year, I am going to do better. I will:

1. Try to wear dresses. I have my eye on a sort of 'utility chic' khaki coloured silk number. Wow, I made that sound awful, didn't I?
2. Wear white jeans or even try to find a skirt.
3. Wear shirts that don't cling. I'm slowly building a collection of silk chiffon blouses.
4. Wear a jumpsuit. No, really, I had to. It's silk/linen and really quite nice on, especially without the horrid pink scarf in the Net-a-Porter pic (only horrid because it is mostly definitely not a good colour on me).


Susan B said...

Those shoes are fabulous!

I too hate hot weather dressing. I've never been comfortable exposing a lot of skin. White jeans are good, as are linen knits.

Tiffany said...

Oh, I'm glad you like the shoes, Pseu - your shoe taste is fabulous! Truly, they cheer me up when it's grey outside, and they add a burst of colour to my largely muted/neutral winter palette.

I've not come across many linen knits but I will keep my eye out for them - thanks for the tip.

materfamilias said...

I love those shoes! They are similar in colour and shape to a Fluevog design I like, but the Fluevogs are in patent leather -- the suede makes these more sophisticated AND more winter-appropriate. Gorgeous!

If I were as slim as you, I'd wear that jumpsuit. Used to love them in the 80s as a way to look pulled-together easily (same way I feel about dresses, actually).

Tiffany said...

Thanks, Mater! I love the suede too, even if it does take a bit more looking after. And thanks for the reassuring comments about the jumpsuit - I keep taking it out and trying it on, then wondering whether I'll really have the nerve to wear it when the weather warms up ...