10 November 2009

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Even just a couple of days would do me. I need a little quiet time to recharge my batteries, do things with my hands - knitting, cooking, gardening, making Xmas cards, doesn't matter what, really - so my brain can wander off and do whatever it needs to do, and come back refreshed. A vista like this would probably help.

I understand now why people go on retreats, just to step back from it all and regain some perspective.

It's not that I'm especially stressed or unhappy. Things are fine. But I do crave quiet, by myself.


Susan B said...

I think of all commodities, time to myself is one of my most valued these days.

Tonight our son is having a sleepover since he has no school tomorrow. So one evening and one morning with just my dogs to take care of...yay! (At least my husband can dress himself and make his own breakfast...)

Tiffany said...

Pseu, I hope your night and morning 'off'! Time to oneself is such a rare thing ... When I hear kids say 'I'm bored, I've got nothing to do', I am filled with envy!

materfamilias said...

Days on my own, especially in my own home, were my very favourite thing when my kids were younger. Now, with my husband working in another city during the week and the kids long grown, I am spoiled with time on my own, and I still haven't tired of it. I wish for you that you might somehow find yourself a big package of quiet time -- I'll even tie it up in a bow for you!

Tiffany said...

Thanks mater! I feel selfish saying I want time to myself to do not very much at all ... but I know I'm a nicer member of my family when I do get some space!
Pseu, somehow the words 'you enjoy' fell out of my reply to you.