13 November 2009

The Pursuit of Happyness

It's been one of those weeks where finding 'the happy' is more of a challenge than usual. I guess that makes it even more worthwhile to look for it. So I'm feeling sad and strung out, but here are some things that can still make me happy:

1. Always, my kids. This is particularly fitting - my aunt (who is ill) is and always has been a particularly enthusiastic and happy parent. I can remember how she could always find humour in the situation, even when her four kids were driving her nuts. I once told her, when I was all of about eleven, that I wanted to remember something she said about being a mother. She shrieked with laughter - 'you won't remember bloody anything once you have some of these!', she said.

2. Today, seeing lots and lots of utterly fabulous 'older' (yeah, older than the 14-year-olds who advertise face cream) women. They ranged from the classic chic (navy blazer, loafers, silk scarf/pearls) through to the artistic (incredible asymmetrical jacket with wide-legged pants and huge beads) to the funky/punky (spiked hair and black mini skirt with bright orange tights) and they all looked wonderful.

3. The view from my mother's new house (photos shown above). A fine sunset and an expanse of clear water will always soothe me.


materfamilias said...

It's a worthwhile goal, at least, happiness, elusive though it may be. You seem to have wisely sought it out, honouring your aunt at the same time. Hope you continue to find a patch of it here and there through the difficult times ahead.

Tiffany said...

Thanks mater.