03 May 2010


I have been valiantly trying to build my wardrobe, which is miniscule. I read about culling to 40-50 items and think 'wow, that MANY?'. I have managed to acquire several new pairs of shoes, all of which I am happy with. But shoes are easy. Clothes I have been having less luck with, although I did 'thrift' (an Americanism I rather like) a lovely comfy pair of cords last week.

On Friday I set out with determination to buy a pair of black pants, preferably straight, maybe a Ponti knit or the like. I tried on pair after pair - the only pair that fitted were badly cut and just wrong ... Sigh. So instead I bought some tops - the oyster coloured one to wear to my MIL's birthday party with black wide-leg pants and snakeskin heels next weekend; the blue silk because I am a total sucker for sheer silk blouses; the chartreuse cardigan because ... I'm not sure. I'll get back to you on that one. Maybe it's because it's a weird colour that actually suits me? Of course it breaks the wardrobe rule of buying things that go with stuff you already have. I think I need more practice at this clothes-buying business.

Update: This morning I had to go into the city for a couple of client meetings and it was sufficiently autumnal that I could throw the chartreuse cardie over the grey dress I was wearing (bottom pic). I really need a new handbag (I think tan?) and I did end up throwing on a small leopard scarf ... When the weather cools down properly I will wear it with these tights and the scarf (top pic). Maybe. Funny, isn't it - just when I was thinking I was going to buy only neutrals, suddenly I've got yellows and purples going on ...


materfamilias said...

oh. my. goodness! I love, love, love that chartreuse with the purple. Love it! that's inspired and inspiring.
Personally, I think that the whole "must go with other items in the wardrobe" and all the other rules can be useful, but one should never ignore the call of the heart, the gut response -- to me that's when we really get a chance to let personality shine through, when we really begin tracing a clear style of our own.
I really wish I could make it to NYC this fall to meet the woman who wears this (not to mention writes warmly and wittily about real life, honouring the daily domestic in a way I truly value)

Tiffany said...

Thanks, mater! You're absolutely right about going with instinct sometimes - otherwise we could all end up with completely soulless wardrobes (and lives).
I'm on the lookout for any advice about where to stay/eat/enjoy art/shop/see shows in NYC. I have a whole 10 days and I can't wait!

materfamilias said...

did you see lisa's recent posts at Privilege ?

Susan B said...

Oh yes, the chartreuse and purple play well together! Great Polyvores!

(Actually, I think you'll find that chartreuse sweater goes with lots of other colors.)

And I agree with what mater said; we really express ourselves with style when we can bend or even let go of those rules.

Re NY: don't know where your budget is for lodging, but when I've travelled there for work have enjoyed staying at the Omni Berkshire in midtown. My suggestion at any rate is to go with a smaller hotel; the big ones can feel like a bus station and aren't relaxing.

Eat: Again, depending on your budget, 11 Madison Park is really wonderful. We had a fabulous, special meal there and the service is amazing. There are so many great places to eat; it really just depends on what you like. Your hotel concierge should be able to make some good suggestions too. I <3 NY!!!

Tiffany said...

Thank you both for your suggestions! I'm starting to compile a list ... it may be six months away, but already getting excited.