20 February 2011

Saturday Night Fever

You'd think that growing up in Singapore would have inured me to humidity, but apparently not. I abhor muggy weather, but it's something Sydney specialises in, and this summer is a standout. How does it go - 'horses sweat, men perspire and women glow'? Bollocks. I sweat like a pig (or horse?). It is deeply unglamorous.

Despite the nasty weather, I spent yesterday in vigorous physical activity, scrubbing the courtyard pavers (hands and knees, no wimpy high-pressure hoses for me), double-mopping every floor in the house and ruthlessly pulling out plants that have passed their use-by date (mostly overgrown, non-fruiting tomatoes and parsley).

By the time it came to thinking about dinner, all I wanted was something with minimum stove time. We ended up with Greek prawns with tomatoes and feta (home grown tomatoes), ruby chard (also home grown) cooked with onion, garlic, olive oil and pine nuts, plus crusty bread. Dessert was just fresh strawberries and rockmelon with a drizzle of vanilla poaching syrup left over from some peaches.

Today the boys are down the coast at a sailing regatta (gratuitous shot of Kid 1 sailing). Kid 2 and I are engaged in domestic chores. She has decided she wants an iPod Touch and wishes to earn some money to add to her current savings through extra chores. I have told her she can cook the weekly batch of bolognaise sauce (has to be in freezer for those horrible evenings when no one gets home until 7pm), so today we will do the first session. It's difficult for me to be hands-off in the kitchen, so this will be a learning experience for both of us.


materfamilias said...

I'd have a really tough time with that kind of muggy heat -- suspect I'd wilt completely.
I always liked those one-on-one times, such a different dynamic. And cooking -- even if it will challenge your patience to stand back and direct -- is a great focus to share. I hope you have a great day, and soon you'll be able to hand off one household task. . .

Tiffany said...

Yes, mater, wilting is pretty much what I do ...

The cooking session with Kid 2 was lovely - then she went to a friend's house and did MORE cooking, so I suspect she's got the gene. And she's lovely to hang out with because she's still so young, yet to hit the adolescent need to separate. I will be sad when that happens.