26 March 2010

Flying High

The idea of feeling better about one's body for what it is able to do rather than what it looks like is not a new one. Sal, for instance, writes wonderful posts about such issues.

For me, every time I manage something a little more in my yoga practice, I care a little less about what I look like.

So this week has been a good one. I managed unsupported headstand for a whole minute (!) and finally got my head on the floor in Prasarita Padottanasana (above; photo from Yoga Journal).

But what I really, really want to be able to do is this pose (pic from yoga.about.com).

I don't know why this one speaks to me - maybe it's because it's English name is the Scorpion and I'm a Scorpio? It will probably remain out of reach for me, but it's certainly something to aspire to ...


materfamilias said...

That pose so beautifully demonstrates balance -- wonderful to aspire to, but wow! it looks tough! I keep thinking about finding a way to work yoga into my life, but without giving up my 2x weekly Pilates class.

Tiffany said...

Mater, I think you're busy enough! I've never tried Pilates but I'm sure I will one of these days ...

materfamilias said...

Tiffany: lOL, kind of have to agree with you . . .