26 August 2009

Great Balls of Fire

A knitting confession: I started a cardigan for Phoebe at the beginning of winter. I didn't finish it (life has been, um, unusual).

I picked it up again the other day, to finish the last sleeve, and discovered that the four balls of yarn dictated by the pattern had run out. (Don't ask me if I swatched - I can't remember.) I couldn't find it in any of the shops.

Last night, feeling disgruntled and not very hopeful, I emailed the yarn company with my tale of woe. This morning, at 8.30am, I got an email from them to say that they had found a ball in the same dyelot and it's in the mail to me - with their compliments.

I just had to post about this, because sometimes it's easy to focus on bad customer service.

EDITED TO ADD: As suggested by Imogen, I should say that the company in question is Panda yarns.


Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...

I love it when I hear stories like that! Given the great customer service - who was the yarn supplier - credit where credit's due!

Tiffany said...

You're right, Imogen, I should name them - it was Panda!

materfamilias said...

Wow! That's a great story! I generally buy too much yarn because I'm afraid of running out -- and I have a scary-sized stash to show for that policy. One time that I did run out, though, my yarn store was good enough to call around to other stores 'til they found the same dye lot for me and had it mailed. Yarn people are good people!

Tiffany said...

You're right, Mater, yarn people are good people! Two other yarn stores I emailed (in case the supplier didn't get back to me) also emailed me back within 12 hours - one with yarn, one without. I made a point of saying how impressed I was with their service. Now I'd better finish the damn cardigan!!