26 August 2009


Every year the kids have a parade for Book Week, where they dress up as their favourite characters. There is usually a ratio of about 5:1 in favour of Harry Potter. Holden's never been terribly interested, but Phoebe LOVES it. Some of her earlier incarnations are here and here.

This year there is a theme and it is Safari. So Miss P wanted to be an elephant. After a client meeting in the city yesterday morning, I duly tracked down grey velour and stuffing. All I had to do was make the ears and trunk, because the rest of it was made years ago, as a donkey costume, by a friend. But even thinking about it was making me tense (my sewing skills are, um, limited).

As luck would have it, another of my friends (I do have handy friends) dropped by for a cup of tea. Two and a half hours later, he left, having mostly finished the costume for me. So she still doesn't look EXACTLY like an elephant, but hey ... (The other elephant is her best friend.)


Christina Lee said...

aawwww I love it!

materfamilias said...

What a handy friend to have! I was never particularly good at the costume-making, so thank goodness for the tickle trunk. Phoebe's elephant looks great.

Tiffany said...

The only truly fabulous costume I ever made was a Dalek (Dr Who) but that's because it involved construction and glue and paint rather than sewing!