No, this is not a rant - the title is a reference to the fact that when in doubt, I write a list ... In this case, one that was shared in blogland.
Making : Faces at the job I'm working on
Cooking : Very little because my mother has taken over my kitchen (this is not a bad thing)
Drinking : Tea, coffee, jasmine tea, wine ...
Reading: Mortgage documents
Wanting: Too many things to mention
Looking: At my 'to do' list in dismay
Playing: The same CD over and over because I'm too lazy to change it
Wasting: Nothing in the kitchen, my new policy
Sewing: Does an unfinished quilt count?
Wishing: I could find time and space to finish the quilt
Enjoying: Winter sunshine
Waiting: For Godot
Liking: Having homemade goodies in the cake and biscuit tins
Wondering: If running every day will burn off the homemade cake and biscuits
Loving: The crazy offspring
Hoping: I can juggle work, family and finishing a house
Marvelling: At how many hours a day my cats can sleep
Needing: Nothing, but wanting lots
Smelling: Samples at the cosmetic counters at David Jones
Wearing: My favourite leopard print scarf (over clothes, I hasten to add)
Following: Nothing in particular
Noticing: How blue the sky is
Knowing: Very little about many things
Thinking: That this list ought to be finished by now
Feeling: Morning-ish
Bookmarking: Only the books I am reading
Opening: Email confirming a flight to Perth
Giggling: As little as possible - I prefer to laugh loudly when I do